I really don't know how 2 get him back cause he has moved on

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Visitor's Question:
I like this guy alot and he don't like me.All I think about is him and he was my first kiss but,I really don't know how 2 get him back cause he has moved on to some1 "better" then me and we are still friends and every time I write him a note he shows his friends and never writes back and now it seems like he hates me it makes me cry he forgot my name and he told his "best friend" that he just needed a girlfriend and that is why he went out with me and I broke up with him cause he cheated on me but, I really want him back I even dream about him!!!I am sprung Please help me win him back

Our Suggestion:
All signs indicate that he has moved on.

If you want to try to get him back, contact him and let him know that you appreciate him as a person and that you would like to go out with him again.

This may not be easy for you to do, but it's the only chance you have.

You have my best wishes!

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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