How am I s'posed to get over the guy who I had been with so long?

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Visitor's Question:
Hi, I am 18 years old and I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 month just this past Sunday. This is what happened:
He had been signed up for this religious retreat out in Dayton, Ohio. which I had no problem with. He wants to go and get all God-like "go for it baby!" We spent like the whole week together before he let that following Monday. I thought we were doing great when he left and was gone that whole week. (He had promised to call me, but never did) He finally got back on Saturday and I was so excited to talk to him. I caved and called him. When he picked up the phone he did NOT sound happy to hear from me at all. I mean he picked up and said, "Hello? Hang on" and then he put me on hold for like 20 minutes. I hung up. He called me back I guess when he was done with his other more important phone call and then we started to talk. He told me everything about his retreat (the whole sounding like it was a chore to talk to me). I asked him if he had met any cool people. He said he had met a lot of people. That was cool and I was happy for him. I had completely forgot that girls were at this retreat too. He started to talk about this girl. How neat she was and how they "just talked". I asked him if he had thought about me at all while he was away from me. He said that he really didn't have time to think about anything else but what they were doing because he was always so busy. Maybe it was stupid to think that maybe he would think about me? I was kind od upset and then he said I did think about us though and how we have been "arguing a lot" (and that is not true for at least the past month or 2). That conversation just got worse and worse especially when he said he had thought about breaking up with me all week. I immedialtey knew what was going on, this girl he had talked about was to blame. So I broke up with him and he still wants to be friends. But I don't know if I can because he really hurt me. He lied to me about "just talking" to this girl. I found out from his best friend that they kissed or whatever. So much for his promise ring he gave to me.
So we broke up and the next day I called him so I could get some stuff and give some of his stuff back. When I got there he couldn't even look at me or talk to me. I gave him his stuff, and his ring and he could say was "swank you" that just tore me apart that he would just throw me, ME away for some girl who lives in Omahaw. I just don't know what to do. It's Friday, we haven't even been broken up for a week, but I can't even sleep at night because before we talked every night until like 2 in the morning. How am I s'posed to get over the guy who I had been with so long? Please help me !!!

Our Suggestion:
Two months may seem like a long time to you, but it really isn't.

We get emails from people who break up after years of being together.

It will take you some time to get over him, but just think that you might have wasted much longer time on him. He is obviously insensitive and seems that he lost his caring for you rather quickly. You don't want to be with a boy like that.

I'm sure that as you think about this more, the feelings will start to go away and you will soon find someone else to be with.

Hope some of this helps!
Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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