the next day she called and said it was over. A week later she is with another guy

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Visitor's Question:
ok my girlfriend and i had been together for a year and a half, every thing was great her family loved me and mine lover her. We spent every day together our first summer, then the next summer we didnt spend as much time together. I still thought everything was great, she even talked about being together forever. Well two weeks into college we vistited eacother and such, and she sent mes text messages saying i was the best and she loved me soo much. on our last visit she told me i was the one, the next day she called and said it was over. A week later she is with another guy, who to me seems like a dead beat, she has even been drinking which is not like her at all. I love her soo much and worry about her, how can i get her back?

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