I haven't got the guts to say all that because of my ego and what her girl mate's would say

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Visitor's Question:

Im 13 and im really in love with a girl ive known at my new high-school for about 6 weeks. I really like the girl, and the girl said she really likes me and she asked me out - she soon heard a rumour that ive been saying stuff about her and then she broke-up (but know we still get on well and have a laugh as friends although we are not that confortable with each other anymore). she said that she is going out with one of my mates but I still really like her and still love her but I haven't got the guts to say all that because of my ego and what her girl mate's would say...

Our Suggestion:
If you want to make any progress with her, you will have to tell her the truth.

It is important to learn at an early age how to express your honest feelings to another person. It isn't always easy, but it will make you happier and more respected by others as you go.

So, have a long, trusting, caring, honest conversation with her and tell her how you feel about her. Tell her you want to be her good friend even if you don't get back together again.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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