I myself will be using this time to realize that small stuff is not to argue over

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Visitor's Question:
I have been in amazing relationship for two and a half years and my boyfriend broke up with me as we were constantly arguing for a month and it was getting stressful for both of us. I drove him away by trying to make everything perfect and pointing out every detail by either confronting him of my dislikes or telling him the ways i felt about certain situations. I basically drove him away and he said that its in God's hands and if its meant to be it will be... he told me that he loves me but needs some time to think about everything as his heart and mind ar telling him different things at the moment. I myself will be using this time to realize that small stuff is not to argue over and also build my self as an individual. I am 24 and he is 30 so he also mentioned that he doesnt ever want to feel like not coming home to me if we ever get married. He is the kindest and greatest guy ever. Please help.

Our Suggestion:
You put your finger right on it.

You are right that small details are not worth worrying and arguing over. How do you plan on changing yourself? One way is to stop and ask yourself about every half hour am I worrying about a detail? You will probably catch yourself a few times every day.

When you catch yourself, stop doing whatever you are doing and say to yourself... this is not worth the hassle. It will be hard for you to make this decision because you have spent so much of your life worrying over details.

Hope this works out for you! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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