He is still irritating me saying I didn't treat him well when we were going out together in the past

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Visitor's Question:
me and my ex bf broke up 7 years ago. both of us meet a new person since but now both are going single. we get back in contact few months ago through phone message . our last met was 4 years ago.
the problem is he is still irritating me by telling i didnt treat his well when we were going out together in the past. i feel it's ok to be friend but since he keeps on reviewing all the past fight that we had i feel something wrong with him .
what he want from me ? maybe i still love him but i think he has changed alot this few years back and i dont know him anymore. i always try to move on and date other people but it never last

Our Suggestion:
He sounds like a loser if he is dragging up stuff from seven years ago.

There seems to be something wrong with him.

My advice is to stop talking to him and keep looking for someone new.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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