Um well we used to be sworn enemies

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Visitor's Question:
Um well we used to be sworn enemies, and we recently put our differences aside permenently and are friends(aquaintances more to say) and I have not gone out with her before. Please give me advice on what Icould and should do. im desprate.

Our Suggestion:
You may be desperate, but you will have to invest some time in this.

Try to increase your relationship from acquaintences to good friend. This will take time and effort. First thing to do is to is to make sure you greet her every time you see her in a clear voice, looking her in the eye, and say "Hi" plus her name and then give her a big smile.

As you get to know her better as friends, you will be able to chat with her and fascinate her with your charm.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This form is not for getting advice!! This form is for adding your helpful note to THIS existing question. If you need advice, pleae read the Advice Pages.

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