Did I blow any chance or ruin anything?

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Visitor's Question:
i wrote before about how me and my ex havent tlaked for 5 weeks well now 6 and for the first 3 weeks i tried calling her and she wouldnt answer and then she showed up at the gym and sent me and instant message and that i did not repsod and ignored her. you said i should have responded to those things. because i didnt repsond to her did i blow any chance or ruin anything. i was wondering what i should do now becasue she hasnt done anything in 2 weeks since those events and i wonder if i should call her or try and contact her or jsut leave her alone. again like i said in the last email i want her back by xmas so bad so please help me. thanks

Our Suggestion:
Give her a call and ask her how she is doing, let her know you still care, be cheerful, don't talk about your relationship, and don't talk more than 15 minutes.

If that doesn't work then try my idea about the 12 days of Christmas.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This form is not for getting advice!! This form is for adding your helpful note to THIS existing question. If you need advice, pleae read the Advice Pages.

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