We made a pact that if we both don't have anyone for valentines we'll be each others dates

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Visitor's Question:
hi....my boyfriend had one of his brothers die just back in march and on the 12th was the brothers birthday so that seent my boyfriend in to a regrieving stage where he started to be a lil' stand offish from me and he called me a week after the b-day and he said that it was a hard decesion to come to b/c he cares so much for me but with the current situation he doesn't feel he can be there for me emotionally right now and that he still wants to be friends in fact were hanging out 2 days from now.......but when i asked if we'll ever have a chance to get back together he said that he wasnt goin to say yes but he also wasnt going to say no and we made a pact that if we both don't have anyone for valentines we'll be each others dates and after we broke up he was the 1st to text me to see if i was alright............my question is does it sound like he still cares for me and if so how can i get him warmed up to the idea of getting back together

Our Suggestion:
Do what you are doing now.

Be his best friend help him express his feelings of loss for his brother. Sooner or later his feelings as a friend will change back to a boyfriend.

And, if in case he doesn't warm up to a new love relationship, you will have the good feeling of having helped him.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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