Bowling Alley Blues #2

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Visitor's Question:
Hopefully this will be the last time I have to write regarding this situation. Sorry to keep bothering you. The last couple of times I have written, you answer that you thinks he wants me back but I have another situatiion now. Last Fri., I went to the bowling alley like my friends and I do every Fri. night. Before going, my ex called me like he did the Fri. before and asked if I was going and said that he was going, too. I got there a few minutes before him and about 15 minutes after he got there he said, "I never got my hug". Now, this guy is very affectionate and hugs a lot of people but he hugged me for probably about a minute without letting go. It got kind of messed up again, though. A little while later I took this one guys hat off of his head and was fixing his hair and it may have looked like I was flirting with him (my best friend even said that I was flirting with him) but I wasn't meaning to. After this, my ex started talking to this one bunch of girls that were there from our school and we all ended up writing on each other, etc. My ex drew a heart on my upper chest & something on my arm and something on my stomach (nothing obsene here). Later on he slapped me on my butt and kept looking across the room at me like he was trying to see if I was watching him talk to those other girls. Then later he came up, put his arm around me and said "Well, I just scored. I got all those girls phone numbers". I don't know if he did or was just trying to make me jealous. He admits to still having feelings for me and has been flirting with me some lately and calling me cute and complementing me a lot so I think he wants to maybe try to work it out but then these other things happen. You may need to read my previous e-mails to see exactly what I am talking about. A couple of e-mails ago your response was that he definitely wants to be with me again. I don't really know what to think. My mom and friends think he only started talking to those other girls because he thought I was flirting with that one guy. I want to ask him how he feels about me but am afraid and like i said beofre, I am not going to chase him. I want him back but I want him to come back because he wants to. What do you think now?

Our Suggestion:
I still think he likes you.

And I agree with your mother who said he was flirting with those girls because he thought you were flirting with the guy.

But if you want him back, you have to meet him halfway. You don't have to chase him but make sure he knows that you like him and find him attractive.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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