How do I tell my fiance it's over...?
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old FemaleMy fiance and I have been together for a little over two years now. We've been friends for much longer and have had plenty of opportunity to get to know eachother before getting engaged. Over the last couple of years we've had the same point of view on our future. However, recently I've started to change my mind. I've decided to continue on in my schooling inorder to get my Bacholars Degree. This means putting the wedding on hold and moving an hour away. After getting things all set up for school I've come to the conclusion that my fiance and I are starting on seperate paths in our lives.
How do I make him understand my position? He has told me several times that he's not going any where, but I don't feel I can honestly say the same. How do I tell him that my plans for the future are much different then they were six months ago? Should we stay together even though I know that our conflicting outlooks of the future will cause us both a great deal of pain and many arguments? AdviceTelling someone it's over is always stressful.
First make sure that you really believe it is over and that you have thought it over well and have your reasons ready to explain.
Then find a quiet place where you can tell him alone and you have time to talk.
Tell him how important schooling is to you and that the pressures of studying and the social scene will make it difficult to maintain a relationship. Tell him how you've changed your feelings on the subject and explain why. He will suffer less is he has a clear explanation.
Check out this webpage on breakups:
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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