What is she trying to do?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
Okay, I've broken up with this girl for about a month already. And so far, things between us have been freaking awkward. I know that I can't be the center of her world anymore and I shouldn't force my way back there either. And I know thing won't be the same like before when we were good friends (maybe even best friends?). But like she acts like some crazy roller coaster ride which I don't seem to understand. I hope some of you guys will help me out.

Like even though I broke up with her, I feel like she broke up with me because she seems fine with it while I'm pretty much bummed out about it like for the first two weeks. She was laughing and everything was cool with her which I'm okay with because I don't really want to see her miserble or anything.

But like her attitude at times towards me is so messed up. Like she would give me dirty looks and when I try to talk to her, she just gives me like those one word answers that lead nowhere, like yea or no or fine or okay. But the thing was that on the day of the breakup, she even said it herself that we'll be best friends from then on in. So why the attitude problem?

And then when I'm online on AIM, she IMs me more now than wen we went out or when we were friends before. She IMs me first which I don't really get. Like if you're not going to talk to me in school n stuff, I don't see why she would even tlak to me on AIM.

And because we have lab together, she sometimes comes over to try and help me out and sometimes we act like we were back to old friends again (like flirting, playing around with each other and stuff) and there are times when like she just stands there and watches me and gives me like an attitude (not like huge, more like a mild one).

She treats me differently from others to. For example, if I someone said a joke to her, she would laugh at it. If I told her the same joke, she wouldn't have laughed and probably would've just looked at me.

What's even more confusing is that when I told her I couldn't go to the prom with her anymore because of money issues, she kind of got mad at me and took like indirect anger shots at me. I mean like the way she treats me, it would seem like she wouldn't care much. But then I called her and I said I would go to the prom with her because I found out that the ticket wasn't as expensive as I thought. She said she'll take me back but that phone call felt like we were friends again

And one last thing. There are days when I would try not to talk to her at all. And then during the lab period she would come over and purposely bump me on my shoulder like she ran into me or something. Like she would come and ask if I needed help sometimes too.

So what's her deal. I seriously don't understand what's going on anymroe I'm really sorry if this is so long but please help me out

RomanceClass.com Advice
Next time you have a chat with her (online or not) ask her why sometimes she is nice to you and sometimes not.

Tell her you think of her as a good friend and hope that she does too.

She is probably as confused as you are and doesn't know exactly how to act around you. If you try to discuss this openly and honestly with her it will probably improve the situation.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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