Losing your Virginity
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Femaledoes it hurt when losing your virginity? if so what does it feel like
RomanceClass.com AdviceThe reason you are a virgin is that a layer of skin covers much of your vaginal opening, to keep out dirt and such. Think of it as your eyelid over your eye, but the eyelid is also attached at the bottom of your eye. When you have intercourse for the very first time, it involves the guy's penis ripping through that skin cover so that your vagina is now open to the outer world. So it can hurt quite a lot.
You really need to think seriously if you are ready for this. Any time a guy's penis is in you, you can get pregnant. From the VERY first time, even if you use birth control. No birth control is 100% effective. From a pleasure standpoint, most women don't even get a "good sensation" from this type of intercourse - they get far more pleasure from oral sex. Since there are also other ways of making the guy feel good, the *only* thing that actual intercourse does is give you a chance, every time, of becoming pregnant.
If you aren't ready to raise that child yet, I would wait a few years until you are.
-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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