I dont see a way to end up with her
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleThere's this girl I really like. We're pretty good friends, but she doesn't know how I feel about her. I'd tell her, it's just that I know if I tell her now she'll probobly say something along the lines of "no" I know if we spent a little longer together something will happen.
The only problem is she's really into this guy who already has a gf. He's 18 and she's 15. They both like each other, and I'm unclear on why he is still with his gf. He lives in some other ciry that's a few hours away though. So the girl I like has spent hours and hours talking to him on the internet.
This girl I like's best friend told me something she said that is definatly important. She said something to the extent of "If he(me) ever went out with someone I'd be jealous. I don't know why. He's(refering to me again) one of those nice people who's never supposed to end up with anyone."
I'm very confused by the meaning of that.
So the options I can see are:
1. Wait the whole thing out. She'll break up with the guy for sure, that is once he breaks up with his gf. The main problem with this is it could take up to 2 YEARS.
2. Tell her how I feel right now and hope for a slim chance that she likes me back.
3. Plz give me some other ideas. Both of my current options kind of suck.
RomanceClass.com AdviceAnother idea is to invite her out on dates as "friends."
She may grow affectionate toward you by doing this. At some point you could tell her you are "developing feelings" for her and see where that leads.
A potential wait of 2 years isn't going to work and my advice is to not just tell her you like her and live with her decision.
I have no idea why she says you are never supposed to end up with someone.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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