When Do I Fondle?

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
there's this girl i've made out with twice, and i really want to get into "fondeling." we've talked about it and she wants to as well, but how do i get around to it? and how far is too far? thanks.

RomanceClass.com Advice
People invent all sorts of terms for touching in one way, or touching in another way, or kissing in one way, or kissing in another way. Really, it's *all* about touching each other in ways that bring you pleasure. And it doesn't matter if you touch lips, or fingers, or anything else. Think of it as a giant rainbow with everything just being a different shade of a color.

So if you enjoy touching your lips together (kissing) and you BOTH enjoy it, that's great. And if one of you wants to kiss the other person's arm all over, that's fine too as long as you both enjoy it. It's better not to get wrapped up in what others call it or what 'stage' you're at. It's all about just You Two and what you like. So if you're kissing, and you want to give her a back massage, then go ahead! If she wants to massage you, that's good too. Where you choose to put your hands is up to you both, in ways that you both enjoy and feel comfortable with. If your back massage turns into a side massage and then a front massage, well, as long as you both enjoy it and are OK with it, that's between you two.

Only you and she know what you are comfortable with and not comfortable with. There are some couples that only want to hold hands and not touch anything else (including lips). There are other couples that gladly touch anything to anything and it doesn't bother them. So you need to figure out for yourself what you do want to be touched, what you don't want to be touched, and just be clear about that with each other.

-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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