where did we go wrong
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old FemaleI have known this guy for 5 years we were friends for the first 2 years but after that I began to like him and he was always trying to get my attention we have been through a lot we have never been exclusive he has been hurt before. He is 29 and I am 26 we met while working together He has always talked to other women because he did not want a relationship even with me knowing this in the early years he felt the need to lie about being with another co-worker this was in 2003 after literally watching him and her everyday knowing what was going on I left him alone. about 6 months later he begin to beg for us to talk and go back to being like we were but I ignired him a year later he still basically beg until I said well we can be cool I will speak and laugh with him after that he was in my face everyday doing things right trying to get me back so a few months went past and last summer I opened up to him again at this time I believe he was dating this other girl who is older than he his I told him that if he was going to break my heart again we should stop now he assured me that he was not talking to her and he communicated more with me then he had in the past (we still went through rough patches at the beginnig of this year, but latelyfor 3 weeks everthing was going real well until He always says he works a lot which I know in some cases he does because he works for the department of transportaion and he is going to schoolt o be a doctor after 4 months of not seeing him He came over last friday and everything was real good between us but the next day I ran into the other girls son who is 18 and evrytime I see him he always asks me have I talk to my guy friend I said yes and asked him when was the last time he had seen him he said he see's him everyday and that my friend and his mom was going out that same night I was furioous I called and asked him what were he's plans he told me he was going out with coworkers he lied I texted him and let him know that I knew he was going out with the girl and that he was a liar I still tried to give him the benefitof the doubt but his car was at her house yesterday and he still tried to lie we we never had sex because I am a virgin but I know that he is having sex with her he always calls me to try to make me feel like he is not doing anything like I am always going to be there we argued and I basically told him that I would never call him again if he couldn't tell me the truth so basically I guess we are done until I see him again because we have a ton of mutual friends he is the first guy I really had serious feelings for Why do I feel as though I am not ready to let him go I just want him to be honest and respect my feelings where did we go wrong What should I do?
RomanceClass.com AdviceA 29 year old guy is not going to wait for sex too long.
You have been seeing him off and on for years, so you should feel that he likes you a lot since you are not sleeping with him.
My advice is that you are going to get nowhere with him unless you sleep with him. He is probably worried that something is wrong with you.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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