Major Help!!!
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Malehay man, i hav a problem about starting and keeping the conversation going with girls. they seem to just want to talk with their friends and my friends and never both to try and start a conversation with me. is it that they just don't like me as a friend or more or what? and i really don't hav a socal activity after school so i really don't hav anything to talk about.
please help AdviceYou have the whole universe to talk about.
You are just too shy to think of what to say.
Learn as much as you can about the people around you and try to think of something positive to say whenever you can. Go to school sporting events so you are up-to-date on what's happening there. Lift weights and get in shape, dress nicely, and take care of your hair, nails, etc. Compliment others on how good they look. Take a positive outlook toward life and SMILE whenever you can.
All of these things will help you open up so you can talk and people will talk with you.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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