I messed up, even sorry doesn't work.
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Femalehi. i am in so much pain, because i lost the only person i ever truly loved. I may be young, but that doesn't mean I haven't had my share of guys. Well, I'm not like a slut, or anything... but I'm not a virgin. But it was only this guy who "de-flowered" me... hehe... Well, anyways. I met him, and wow, it was like the movies, it just clicked. We started talking, and he got close with my best friend, and she would tell me everything. And he really liked me. Then, he changed his mind. I spent SIX months waiting for him, and all through these six months, we were best friends. I knew more about him than his own family did. Finally, on my birthday, he asked me out. And it was super sweet, too. I had asked him early that day if I could kiss him, and he was iffy. He asked my out by asking me if I still wanted that kiss. Cute, eh? We sky-rocketed, we were insperable, and so inlove. Ahh, the glory... Well, of course things changed. I fell really hard in love, and I was petrified to lose him, but petrified to feel it if I did. So, i became complicated, and mean. I would get angry and jealous for stupidities, and I wouldn't let him into my heart, and I wouldn't believe him when he said he loved me. I guess I was right not to, since he left me. He started it by using the "I think we should have some space" trick. I called him to tell him that it wasn't working, hopefully to get reassured he still loved me, but, to my surprise, he agreed. And it's been over since. I see him everyday, and it's supposed to get easier, but it doesn't. He doesn't even believe me when I say I'm sorry. I don't think he even believes I love him. I'll admit that I might have a low credibility, but that doesn't mean I'll lie about something like this. I miss him, and I don't deserve a second chance, so I won't ask for it, though I do want him back. All I REALLY want, is for him to understand, why and what I did, and to forgive me. To believe that I didn't mean to hurt him like I did. How do I get him to listen? I tried everything to get him back, from ignoring, to flirting, to just acting mature, and flirting with his friends, or with someone else, getting in a relationship, jealousy... NOTHING WORKS!! I really think he just... doesn't care about me at all... But he won't talk about it. What can I do to make him listen to me, and to get him to talk? Not knowing what happened in your own relationship sucks... Trust me. I can't move on because I just don't know. Help.
RomanceClass.com AdviceI will try to answer your clearest statement of the problem as you stated it.
You said: "All I REALLY want, is for him to understand, why and what I did, and to forgive me"
Write him a handwritten or typed letter telling him exactly why and what you did and ask him to forgive you so you can move on. Write that you will call him and ask for his forgiveness if necessary.
This should solve the problem for you, at least I hope so.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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