Falling in love with guy friend... again
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleI have this guy friend, we're super-close, and I really like him. This isn't the first time, though. We're both freshmen, and I had a crush on him in 7th grade, a huge infatuation with him all through 8th grade, and now I like him again.
We went out for two months during the 8th grade, but both of us were really quiet and immature and it just didn't work out. However, we immediately were totally comfortable with going back to being friends. The two of us have gotten closer since then. Nowadays, I feel more confident and independent, and I can stand up for myself, and I think a relationship now would be healthier and last longer than our first one.
My guy friend keeps telling me he likes a mutual friend of ours and that he wants to ask her out, but it's confusing me. The day he was planning on asking her out, he chickened out and asked me to go to a movie with him - with two other friends, of course, but still, it's a little weird. Also, I recently broke up with my last boyfriend, but while we were going out my guy friend couldn't talk about him without insulting him and swearing. Plus, the other day we were talking and he reminded me of our first date together in the 8th grade.
So I'm really confused and I guess my question is: Does he like me, and is it a good time to move our relationship to the next level?
RomanceClass.com AdviceIt's an even bet whether he likes you as much as you like him.
So why not ask him out... he's given you several hints that he would like it.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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