Should I go for the gold?
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleRecently, a girl who had previously never spoken to me despite us sitting together at lunch all the time has begun calling me every night. We talk for up to 3 hours, and she literally tells me EVERYTHING that happens in her life. The other night, she started crying on the phone because of some drama that was happening to her in school, and I was extremely comforting toward her. Aside from the sudden phone calls, I have also noticed that she stares directly into my eyes when she talks to me now.
As soon as the phone calls began, I also started doing things with her and our mutual friends. We went to a restaurant with some of our friends, and she straight-up requested to sit by me. This type of scenario has happened several times. However, I have only been out of school with it just being her and I once...and it was only for 2 hours to drive around and get coffee.
Here's the thing, though. Lately, she's been telling me about what guys in our school she thinks are "hot" and elaborating on them...basically, telling me about her minor crushes. She has also continued telling me that she wants a boyfriend. As you can guess, I am being hit with repeated mixed signals, and as such, I have no idea whether or not I should flat out tell her how I feel or not. I apologize for the lengthy message, but this is a matter I have been unable to figure out on my own.
Thank you,
Mark AdviceIt seems clear that she likes you a lot and more than a friend.
Ask her to go on a ride with you again and tell her how you feel. You can ease into it gently by just saying that you are "developing feelings" for her. Hopefully she will give you a straight reply. If she needs time to think about it, give her one day and ask again because if you put it off it just gets harder to ask.
Do all of this as soon as possible because she might get tired of waiting for you to make a move.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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