3 years and we have broken up over 30 times
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old FemaleHi I am 17 years old and have been dating a boy extremely on and off for 3 years. I have dated other guys and never experienced the 'head over heels' feeling i get around him.Even after 3 years i still get this feeling and he feels the same way. But there is a problem, like most couples we fight over the dumbest things and we always break up over it and get back together like an hour later. Its annoying and it really makes me feel bad about myself and about our realtionship. We talk things out eventually and it always seems like we have solved the problem, but no. The same problems over and over again, so much crying and fighting. And every single time we break up it feels like its the end of the world, even though we usually get back together, and it just makes me depressed alot. This happens sometimes 1-3 times a week! One time when we broke up for about 4-5 months, i dated two other guys. One whom treated me like a princess and always gave in before a fight even got out of hand and another guy who made me feel safe and was always on time. But when it came down to it, it just wasn't the same and as you can guess, we got back together. The main issues we fight about the most is him being late for EVERYTHING and him not keeping promises even though i always keep mine. I just don't know what to do. I have always felt like he is the ONE for me and I can see us living together forever. But I just don't know if I can handle the stress, not to mention im off to colege in 5 months. What do I do?
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou are an on-time promise-keeper just like me.
It is so aggravating to be with someone the opposite. What you can do is anticipate that they will be late and won't keep promises. So if you want to meet at 7 you tell him to meet at 6. Promises are tougher to deal with because they are so different one from the other. Try turning tables on him and stop keeping promises and see how he likes it.
It won't be easy on you... maybe even more stressful than now, but at least it's something to try.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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