What gives?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
Alright, I went off on a spring break service trip and met this guy. Throughout the week, we were flirty but gave each other massive amounts of space, and slowly...started to get closer, until the last two nights where we kissed and talked and spent one-on-one time. On the long, long drive back home, we were mostly together and talked and saw many sides to each other, none of which seemed to annoy each other or anything. Throughout the drive, he made sure to say that we should hang out back home, and proceeded to put his number into my phonebook. He asked when we got back if I'd call him sometime, and I gave him my number and told him he could call me too. He calls me 7 hours later, just to say HEY and then every single night for a week and we hung out once, until he left to go home for the weekend. He called me then Sunday night when he got back, but I was busy and thought we'd end up talking later...so never called him back. Monday, I attended a meeting and he walked in the door and was surprised to see me. After that was over, he walked out with me...asked me what I was up to...and we ended up hanging out the rest of the night until about midnight. I met a few of his friends, he kissed me and left the group to take a walk with me for awhile, and treated me good overall. One of his friends gave away that he had talked about me. Truth be told, I wasn't all that stimulated by a ton of guys sitting sweaty in a room...and went on the computer for awhile and stuff, and didn't talk a WHOLE lot with my guy while they all watched the basketball game on TV. We still don't know eachother super well, so it's hard to talk intimately in a room full of guys... My guy...or whatever you want to call him, was completely lax the whole night. I loosened up with his friends, my guy kept making comments about how I fit in so well with everyone...and then we played vid games and I left. On my way out, he walked me down to the door, told me he wished he could give me a ride home because my car was out of commission, kissed me, and told me he'd call me. Well...it's been almost a full week now, he never did call me. I randomly texted him once to wish him a good night, emailed him once in response to something I accidently left in his room, and called him once to say I was thinking of him. I haven't got any responses back, so I'm not sure if he's busy or lost interest or is turned off or what? I haven't known him that long...I'm not clingly...but I'm thinking myself in circles and it sucks. He went MIA on me...which seems odd considering he didn't have a problem calling me for an entire week, just to talk....is it possible he's scared and just needs space....or if I did something wrong when we hung out with his friends...

RomanceClass.com Advice
You have good reason to be thinking in circles.

First he can't get enough of you and then all of a sudden he goes MIA.

To get some closure will be hard because he is avoiding you. Write a long email asking him why or track him down and ask him one on one.

Or, just forget him.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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