Does he like me? i'm confused
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleOk, so, theres this guy whom i absolutely love and i'm pretty sure he likes me but i'm not sure, and quite frankly i'm tired of guessing. So here are all the signs he's given me, perhaps you can make light of the situation. :]
1. I always catch him looking at me, and whenever i catch him, usually i'm the one who looks away first because i'm a very shy person. But there have been a few occasions that i've lingered and hes looked away. but i catch him all the time, and i do mean ALL the time.
2. Whenever he sees me, he always says hello to me in a very friendly manner, or something else like, good morning! No matter what he always comes up to me and greets me.
3. He makes eye contact with me very very often. Whenever i talk, he seems genuinly interested in what i have to say, and always replies with something thoughtful. He doesn't seem afraid to make eye contact.
4. I'm not sure about this, but his eyes seem to shine more when he looks at me.
5. I asked him if he'd like to go to a movie and he said he'd love to.
6. Whenever we're out to eat with his family or my family, he always makes sure he sits across from me.
7. He seems less talkative around me. and hes a person who makes conversation very easily, but somehow not with me.
8. If i am with him, he follows me wherever i go.
9. He seems to be very considerate of me.
10. He always smiles at me, and laughs at my jokes.
11. His mom adores me
12. I've been over his house 3 times, but because of his moms invite not his.
And theres more but just reading over these does make me wonder why i'm even asking because to you it may seem so obvious that yes, he does. But the reason why i'm questioning it is because he is an extremely nice, helpful, and wonderful person, and is a friend to everyone. The only reason why i'm doubting it, is because i'm wondering if maybe hes just being nice to me because i'm the new girl at school. Well, actually, i've been there three months but still....But i would like to know that hes not just being nice to me and its something more. Can you perhaps tell me how you think he feels, and if he likes me, how much he does? Thank you so much. AdviceHe seems to like you quite a bit.
All the things he says and does indicates that he finds you attractive. I'm surprised that he hasn't asked you out yet, but you said he can be shy.
My advice is to take advantage of his current feelings and ask him if he wants to date.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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