What the heck happened?
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleSo I've been living on campus at my college over the summer trying to get some classes and research done. Anyways this girl I had kind of known (by kind of known I mean we are both Greek and I've talked to her maybe once for more than ten minutes) was in town to help out with the summer orientation stuff. Anyways, the first night she was in town she and a friend came over with my room mate to hang out in our apartment on campus. Well anyways a little bit of alcohol was involved, not enough to cause any stumbling or slurred speech, but it turned into her staying all night in my bed having a massive make out session. So she left at like 5:45 in the morning to get ready for her orientation thing and left me with an awkward rub on the back and a "see ya later" because I was still zonked out. Even though it happened about a week and a half ago, it still bugs me. Especially since she's coming into town this month to take some classes. My room mate says I shouldn't think about it too much because she's like that, but I'm not and it bothers me. I've always tried to pride myself on being a gentleman and polite, but I haven't talked to her since it happened primarily because I don't know what it meant to her and I don't want to look like a fool (She's a little over a year older than me). Secondly, I don't even know how to contact her, I've got no number or AIM. It seems like it might have been a random thing, but something keeps ringing in my head where she told me all a man needs to prove to a woman is that he's not like every other man. I'm just completely confused in this one because she told a bunch of people about it and I haven't told anyone which seems kind of backwards if it was a bigger deal to me than her. I guess my questions are: Was it just a one night ordeal or did it mean more, should I contact her this long after, and what do I say? I'm super shy which is the main reason I haven't talked to her even through facebook or something impersonal like that. Thanks so much.
RomanceClass.com AdviceSince you are super shy, you should probably forget about her.
Why? Because to promote this relationship you need to contact her and have a meaningful conversation with her.
It doesn't sound like you are capable of doing that. It's too bad because you will miss out on a lot of relationships because of your shyness. Shyness can affect your whole lifetime.
My advice is to go to your campus infirmary where they will have trained psychologists ready to help you out.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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