What am I supposed to do?
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleI have a big problem. I really like this girl, but she has a boyfriend, who just so happens to be one of my friends (more like a friend/acquaintance). I've always been attracted to this girl, and I began to get to know her when my friend and her began dating. Throughout the past four or so months, we'd talk and what not at school, and we'd laugh and have a good time together. She'd tell me that one of her girlfriends and I can always make her smile.
Anyways, we talked about going out on a double date, but things didn't work out, so we decided to just play tennis instead, just us two. It rained that day, so I asked her if she wanted to go out with me to a bigger city and do stuff. She agreed, and I took her out to her favorite restaurant and to a movie. I can't elaborate enough at how much fun we had. We laughed so much, even about the stupidest things! By the end of the day I was extremely into her, but I didn't know if the feeling was mutual. We decided that we would do it again, but when I asked her a few days later, she said she was busy, which of course is understandable. I'm usually not the one to initiate things, and she's usually the one to text/call me. We talked the other night, but nothing about us getting back together. I really want to see her again, but I don't know if she's even into me or what. She's the type that really listens to her conscience, and told me that there are things that she wants to do and she should do (as a girlfriend). She has to be into me to even go out with me (I'd consider it a date), right? Her and her boyfriend both told me that they were going to break up before he went to college, which is now about 2 months away, but they haven't yet. Should I ask her to go out again? I want to, but I don't want to be the bad guy either. And if so, what should I do? I'm not the guy to be crazy about a girl, so this is quite the new experiece for me. I appreciate the help very much, thanks.
RomanceClass.com AdviceGive this some time.
Keep in touch with her but don't ask her out unless she suggests it.
Perhaps they will split up during the summer and you can step in.
But if you try too soon you may ruin it all.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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