Confused. opinions needed!

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
Ok, so here goes.

I met Her at my friend's graduation party.

We were all sitting around my friend's campfire at 10:00 at night, socializing like usual. Then, She walked back, hugged my friend, and sat down on my left. So, long story short, my first thought was, "Wow! I have noooo chance with Her. She's too beautiful" and i basically ignored Her for an hour.

So then i go and get another Mountain Dew, come back, and my seat is taken. So i find another seat, and it turns out it's across from Her. After a while, i notice out of the corner of my eye, that She's glancing at me here and there. This gradually grew into looking at me longer.

Then, our eyes connected.

When my heart had regained its normal beat, i was kind of confused whether She meant it or not. So, i look back at Her, and She looks at me, and our eyes connect for a solid 4 seconds. She's smiling, i'm smiling. it's great.

So now, another long story short, i lose my glasses, and realize this when i'm about to leave. I go back and announce at all the curious looks that i had lost my glasses. To my amazement, not even one second had passed after i said that, when She jumps up, turns on her cellphone/flashlight thing, and starts helping me look for it! Before this, i had never talked to her, and still hadn't.

So, that being said, why am i here? It seemed she was interested in me, and so i got her MSN address (ask for her number in person) and she hasn't been on in 2 weeks. Now, i have no other way of reaching her, and don't know if she's even home or on vacation.

I know you're suggestions say to try and make these things short, and i'm sorry mine is not =(, but i need some advice as how to proceed. I could keep waiting, but the summer is 1 month and done, and she goes to college next year! Also, i'm still not entirely sure if she likes me, and need opinions on how to interprut those results.

Again, sorry for this very, very long question, but i need help! I really don't want to lose her because i thought i felt something when out eyes connected, something i don't want to lose. So please, help! =O Advice
Keep trying you said she may still be on vacation.

Meanwhile contact your friend and ask if he knows who she is or does he know anyone who knows her. If she has an unusual name you could google her and see if you find her.

If someone knows what town she lives in and her last name you could do a phone lookup online.

Put on those detective glasses and start sleuthing.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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