Broke up and living together

Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
G/F of almost 6 years broke up with me cuz she wants her space. Says she's been "tied down" for past 15 years, minus 3 months. She has 4 kids, one of which is mine. We've been living together for 5 years. Here's the tricky part. We share a house that is in my name only. We both don't want to uproot the kids as this is their home, too. It's the ONLY home our 4 yr old knows. I am the only one supporting EVERYBODY right now. She tends bar a few nights a week, but that's it. I said I'd move out and find an apartment and she and the kids could stay and pay me rent. Sometimes she says things that make me think this is just temporary and things will work out, and other times she makes it clear that we're through. Why is she playing head games with me? What should I do? She admits she just wants to party with her friends and that it's all about her right now. It got to the point where she didn't care about anything that happened this summer. I, yes I, was taken advantage of while VERY drunk after my b-day. And she made out with some guy after her sister's wedding, and is now planning on a trip to go see the guy for several days. She swears nothing will happen, but I know how she gets when she drinks! She even says she'll never find someone better than me so why can't she just grow up and be accountable and responsible to her family and me? We have a past and I believe we can have a future together...but I'm starting to lose my feelings for her. Life sucks! Advice
Sounds like she has reached her mid-life crisis a little earlier than usual.

She is acting like a teenager or someone in their young twenties.

She is probably confused about herself as well and that's why she seems to be playing head games with you.

You are behaving miraculously under these circumstances and your kids are lucky to have you for a father. My advice is to try to wait out this period in her life. She should respect you for it and ultimately may want to get back together.

You are right... life sucks sometimes!

Good luck! George

-- from George
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