Does he still like me?
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleI like a guy who is 4 years older than me, and I know that's a lot and I understand nothing can happen bewteen the two of us now anyway. For the past year, we've been kind of on and off, and everyone around us has made comments and rumors about us. He used to do a lot of sweet stuff, like tap my shoulder when my head was turned and then hug me. He also once was very excited when I mentioned to him I needed a ride home. But, unforunately, a lot has changed in the past year. He doesn't talk to me as much, but still enough to make me wonder. He gets jealous when I ignore him and talk to other guys, and cuts into the conversations I have with them. When I was talking on the phone to a friend about hot guys in front of him, he told me to get off the phone then walked away when I told him to shut up. When I told him another guy was being jerk to me, he said he'd have to answer to him. He recently went on vacation and had a thing with a girl there, and he really likes her. He makes it a point in telling me. My question is does he still like me, and can he possibly like two girls at the same time? AdviceYes he could like two girls at the same time.
It seems like his attraction to you has dwindled in the past year. My advice is to ignore him and he will either come running to you or he will step away.
Either one of those is better than an on off relationship where you don't know where you stand.
-- from George
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