Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Maleok i have a very serious problem i cant seem to keep my erection up long enoth for sex with my girlfreind, we are both 15, we have gone out for a month now and have had sex 3 times twice drunk 1ns sober, sex never seems that plesiourable for me or her and nethar ends up reaching orgasm evan though we get really gagging for it, we have tryed having sex twice now and the same problem happens it just goes away almost as soon as we stop evan just for a second it starts to go down and when it goes down completly its impossible for it 2 come back up.
i told her that if i cant sort this problem out soon its going to affect our relationship really badly on my behalf, we both loved each other for 2 months exept only went out when we desided she is ready, im a very loving and caring partner but i cant help but feel so useless when it comes to sex.
you see my 1st love(different person) was at the age of 12 and i had sex with her,we were both 12 at the time, she ment so much 2 me but she treated me so badly we kept going on and off each other evary week (finish then back together) at one point she cheated on me, so evary time i had sex with her i kept saying to myself i cant believe she has such a grasp on me just becouse i love her, and that i cant leave her becouse despite evarything she done i just couldent bare to loose her becouse i loved her so dearly.
more or less the same thing happened with my new girl exept she was 14 when she done it, and i told her after we tryed to have sex exept 'it' happened so i said (in a sad but gentle voice) look you know what?, why dont we just finish it, she said back i dont know(sad voice), so i just hugged her kissed her cheak and said just please dont go making any mistakes youl regret, so then she walked out of my house becouse her mum was waiting outside in the car to take her home.
my question is simply whats rong with me?, why cant it stay up, how cant i fix things beatween me and her b4 its to late im dreading her answer i love her but i cant please her in bed becouse its going down so fast, oh and they are soft erections not very but slightly soft, dont know if that helps but hope it did, sorry for it being so long but there was a lot that needed to be said,i know that its bad that i done it at 12 and i regret it but im a very experiance and mature person for my age, alot of things in my life forced me to so.
thank you for your time and help
RomanceClass.com AdviceTwo things come to mind:
1. don't masturbate at all
2. don't confuse what happened with your 12 year old GF with this GF. You might be subconsciously worrying that this GF could cheat on you.
There are over 2 million hits if you google ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION all of them say pretty much the same (ignoring the ones trying to sell you fake pills).
They say that it could be a physical problem or a mental problem. In either case you need to see a doctor about it.
However, before you do that give this some more time. You can't judge what's going to happen after only three times. Millions of males have a hard time getting it up or keeping it up from time to time. Don't jump to any conclusions now. And, if you worry about it it's just going to make it worse.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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