Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleSorry to bother you yet AGAIN!! You must be thinking ' why doesn't she get it by now'. I know - I'm a pain!!
It's just that the past few days/weeks he's been looking at me an awful lot. I know it probably doesn't mean anything but :
When he's speaking to the class he makes eye-contact with me a lot.
The other day, I was waiting for my friend to pack up in class, and her table was quite near to where he was standing, and he was talking to another pupil, but I looked up at him, and I saw that he was looking at me, and he held my gaze for longer than normal, about maybe...6-7 seconds...(it seemed like ages - more than is normal) while he was still talking to the pupil, and then he looked away, and then a few seconds later, he looked back up me and AGAIN held my gaze for about 6-7 seconds.
Then I looked away and mentioned it to my friend, and she glanced up at him and said (she doesn't lie btw..) that he was looking at me again. I later asked where/how long and she said he was looking at my face for around 6-7 again.
I know that this probably doesn't mean anything, and I'm probably over-reacting, and you're probably yawning reading this, but I just wanted to know : DOES IT REALLY MEAN ANYTHING??
Thank you.
(p.s. apologies again!)
RomanceClass.com AdviceBased on what you've written before and what you just said, I would continue to caution you not to get a crush on him. And, if he does anything more than look at you let me know. Also he shouldn't be touching anyone in your class--you are too old for that. But since you have mentioned before that he does touch girls in your class, just make sure he doesn't touch too much or more than other girls.
I've mentioned this before--my intuition says he may be a homosexual and so he feels less concerned about touching girls. But that's just a thought.
I suspect that you must have a quite pretty face or eyes and he is drawn to you for that reason. He hasn't done anything for which you should report him, but be sure to do that if he does something really foolish.
And, please keep me up-to-date on how things are going... I know this must be very confusing.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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