Where are we now?
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleA little while back, my parents, my friends and I noticed a girl showing interest in me. Everytime I would be out, she would find me. After a little time had passed, I began to like her as well. We began talking daily (because she put her phone number in my cell phone) and things seemed great. I feel I may have pushed things a little too much, but not enough to mess things up completley. Finally I asked her out and she said no. She kept coming up with excuses. This confused me, as well as my friends. One day, we were together, and I could tell something was bothering her. Finally, she asked me for advice about another guy. This crushed me, but I stayed strong and answered firmly without showing any emotion. I asked her why she thought I would know, and she said "because your a guy, and..." after that, she began crying and hugging me. After that, we slowly drifted apart, but still talked. A little later, I dated another girl for a year and two months. When she found out I was dating someone else, she was upset that she was the last one to find out, but it would have been awkward for me to tell her. Since then, I sometimes talk to her about other girls, and ask for advice. But very recently, we dont talk much and I would never ask her for advice. Even though I talk and go on dates with other girls, I still like her and feel very different and special about her, and I feel i always will, considering it has been over 2 years now that this has been going on. It is now her senior year and my jouniur year, and its time for prom. My friend suggested to her friend that I should ask her, and her friend took it as I WAS going to ask her, and told her. I didnt know this. One night I asked her if I could ask her a question. She said yeah and I asked her how come whenever I try to do anything with her anymore, she never wants to. She then said that its because I always make smart comments about her driving, and other things. I just said I was sorry and left it at that. The next day, my friends were outside talking to her before I got home, and they asked her about prom. She said she didnt really want to talk about it and felt bad for going off on me when I was about to ask her. My friends were confused and told her I wasnt planning on asking her and they said she actually seemed a little dissapointed. So now I dont know where we are. I still like her, and I feel I always will. Shes very different and special to me, but I dont know how she feels about me, and whether I should ask her to prom or not. I feel like it might be a little awkward if we go together.
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou will always wonder if you don't ask her.
Save yourself a lot of wondering by asking her.
If she says yes, go and have the best time you can.
If she says no, at least you tried.
Go for it! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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