Is this gonna be serious?
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleSo there's a guy I know- he's my ex yes... but we get along VERY well... so well, we nearly got back together twice. The only reason we didn't was our timing- not for lack of desire. Well, he's had a gf since then, that he didn't ever mention but a mutual friend of ours knew. That relationship is over and done with.
He's the kinda guy who go through 8 girld in two weeks. But for some reason, he does keep running back to me. But he's finally found a new girl he picked up at a bar... someone he didn't know- but who is responsible for the hickies that suddenly appeared on his neck (that when I saw, he said 'Don't ask'. He's shown me a picture of her, but told me she put it on his phone and never once seemed interested in talking about her.) The next thing I know, he's put her in his who to meet section of his myspace (but still, her paragraph was shorter... and a bit more superficial than mine) and they're having those... no YOUR cuter- kind of fights.
I know him pretty damn well *he's 16 by the way, I'm 15), he's not really that kinda guy, he'll basically go along with you for a while but eventually wants to do his own thing, I can't tell- but I don't think she seems like she'll last. Of course, when he's found chicks who are um, well who leave marks on their first meeting and such,
he'll hols onto them for a while.
Here's what he wrote about her:
The most perfect girl I've ever met. She's so amazing like my first stereo.
Then about me he wrote:
This is the love of my life. She supports me in everything I do. I love her to death and can't imagine being without her now. I think I've found the one, I know I've found the one.
Oh my god, it's SICK that I remember that.
Here's the deal, regardless of his flaws... he is who I want. I'm just wondering how long this one'll last AdviceThis one probably won't last long. He has a history of dumping girls after a short amount of time.
But, even if he comes back to you, don't expect it to last. He is too immature to establish a strong relationship yet.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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