What should I do?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
I have a classmate, we're quite close friends(she told me some of her secrets and shared her feelings...)she kept flirting with me but didn't forget to add something funny so I wasn't sure if she meant it or not. A friend of mine told me that she does this when she's interested but won't make the first step. One night, we were chating on the internet and I said something romantic she asked me to do or write or whatever something else romantic for her so I sent her a song(Brad Paisley- She's everything)after I saw her reaction I was so SURE she would give me a chance! But then she add :"You didn't mean it, did you?" I couldnt help and said:" Sure I did!" she apologized that she didn't explain what she meant when asked me for something romantic, she wanted to remain friends but after a short conversation I guessed she tried to say something like:" Not today but who knows what will happen in a few months?(maybe we'll be dating...)" Now I really feel that if I didn't rush she would give me a chance in the future.
She said me a few times that I'm a romantic person(I did my best to be) and that my girlfriend will be really happy with me and won't let me go...
So my question is there still a chance?(I'm not the type to just let go) If yes, what should I do?

RomanceClass.com Advice
It's almost always better to be brave when you communicate with someone you care for. You don't want to have regrets about things not done. So you did the right thing.

She made you be romantic so she should be willing to be part of the results. However she seems to be holding back.

My advice is to simply ask her what she meant when you had that discussion. She might say something more positive this time. At least it will give her
something more to think about.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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Told her how I felt

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