He's Confusing Me
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old FemaleI met this guy on December. He asked for my phone and we started talking. He started inviting me out with his friends and being realy charming, but then he got really strange, and he started looking for a friend of mine. Two weeks later (after even taking flowers to her), he calls her and tells her he actually likes me, and he is going to date me. That same week he invited me out. That same day, he even talked to a guy that likes me and told him he was going to date me and didn't want any trouble.
Everything was fine, but then he disappeared for 3 months. He wouldn't show up to any plans made (his friends are close to me as well), he wouldn't come online, nothing.
So then, he decided to reappear, and he starts talking to me like nothing bad ever happened. He starts complimenting my pictures, and my looks, and being such a charmer. Then, two weeks later, he attends my prom (I went to a girls-only school), and he spent the whole night after me, I'd leave him alone and he'd go searching for me, and he never let my hand go, no matter how many times I pulled it away.
But after that, I haven't heard of him again.
I don't know if he really likes me or if he's just using me to make my friend jelous, or what. But I feel really bad and I need advice, because no one knows what's going on with him... Please, tell me what I should try to do.
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou should call him up and ask him what's going on. He's the only one who knows, although it is possible he doesn't know why he's acting this way.
But, that where you have to begin... at the source of the problem.
It is quite possible that he likes you but goes in fits and starts. When you are unfriendly to him, like at the prom, he may go cold out of shyness or hurt feelings.
Just ask him why he stopped contacting you after being so nice at the prom.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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