This guy is showing all of the signs of liking me...but he has a girlfriend!

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
This is making me crazy. I met this guy who is also a fireman. My aunt and a lot of my family are involved in the fire department he's in, so I like to help them out too. They always have a stand selling tacos and that kind of food at our local fair. I decided to help out this year. This is where I met him. When we first met, I was talking to my aunt about books when he joined the conversation. When we were alone, and I was texting a friend, he would try to get my attention. He would pretend to yell out "tacos!" or "salads!" to try and get customers, and my attention. I would look at him, he would smile, so would I. We talked about the people that passed by, including this girl who wore play boy bunny ears. I told him I would definately wear them, and he liked that, I guess. So pretty much, I thought he liked me. The next time I worked there, he seemed a little more distant. He still smiled at me, but there wasn't as much flirting. That day, I found out he had a girlfriend. I saw her once before when I was there, but I thought she was just a friend. they didn't kiss or hug or really anything. And that day, the same thing. After seeing his girlfriend, he still flirted but not as much. Now I'm going to see him one more time, and then I don't know what's going to happen. should I try to get his cell number, like as a friend? If he does like me, maybe he thinks our age difference is to big and that's stopping him? (I'm 16, he's 20) What's going on? What should I do? Advice
This sounds like a run-of-the-mill flirtation.

You could get his number as a friend and see what develops. However, you should not go into this looking to break up a couple. That would be wrong.

Go for it, the age difference isn't that much (although your state laws might make it illegal.) At least you would have a new friend.

Good luck! George

-- from George
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