My teacher again.......
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleThis is about my teacher again.
I know it sounds stupid, but since the last time I contacted you I believe that I've fallen in love with him for real. I know many people don't believe love can only be one sided or that a teenager can be in love, but I do. It's been really hurting lately, and his behaviour has been confusing me.
There have been days where he will seem really close to me. For instance, last week myself and a few of my friends stayed back after school to get some more work done, like we do quite often. That day, he seemed very very close to me. He smiled at me more times than I could possibly count - he was literally smiling at me every second sentence. He has been saying my name a LOT - that particular Friday he came up stairs and he growled my name once, then repeated it three times...and then later he called me a nick-name that only he uses TWICE.
If he's making fun of someone, he'll look at me and give me a look, and he doesn't give anybody else these looks.
He seems to direct every piece of coversation he makes towards me on these 'good' days, and he even told my friends and I something very personal about him, but all the while he was telling us he ONLY looked at me.
However, there have been some bad days too. There have been days when he has totally blanked me, or has barely spoken to me...and he ignores me at really weird and random times. For instance, I could be standing right next to him and he'll blank me, or strange things like that, but the next day he could be normal again, and the next he could be ignoring me.
Do you believe a teenager can be in love, even if it is unrequited? Why do you think his behaviour chops and changes so much? Could there be a reason for his saying my name over and over and calling me a nick-name that only he calls me? Or maybe a reason why he always directs the conversation at me?
Thank you, LOTS, in advance for answering my questions and for helping me out here. AdviceHi again!
I had hoped the problem had gone away since I thought you were no longer in his class. If you are getting close to him after school then you should stop immediately.
And you should finally tell your parents, a counselor, or another trusted person how you feel. They will understand, as I do, your feelings toward him. That is not the problem (although it causes you to suffer and spend too much time thinking about him... and keeps you from forming normal relationships with boys).
The problem is to what extent he is responsible for what's going on. Unfortunately, you ignored my advice to get help. At this point, probably no one will believe that it is his fault simply because you have fallen in love with him. But that is no excuse to be quiet. Who knows... maybe other girls have made complaints about him?
Please do what I've been telling you and talk with some adult close to you and make some progress on this problem.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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