Ah!! How did I get into this?!
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleOooookay
So I met this guy online a while back (about a year or so) and I never and mean never thought of dating online! I thought it was totally stupid and any of my friends that decided to try it I never approved of thier relationships. Anyways, we slowly worked up to IMing every single day and we practically knew everything about each other, but hey we were just best friends, what's wrong with that?
But around September, I have no idea why, but we started liking each other and eventually slipped into a serious realtionship. Yah, I know it's online and I know a lot of people would think that's horrbible but I love him, is that so bad?
I decided not to tell my close friends that know my parents really well because I'm afraid they'll let it slip to them and I'll have to say goodbye to him forever...
I really want to tell them but I know some of my friends won't look at me the same! And on top of that, can I really go behind my parents back to meet this guy?
I really do love him more than anything but I just don't know... ah! what should i do?!
RomanceClass.com AdviceYour parents are going to find out about this and it will be over. Why not avoid all that agony and tell him you just want to be friends again. He may feel the same way for the same reasons. It isn't fair to either of you to keep you from dating real life people while you type on the computer.
Sometimes it is less scary to deal with people online, but you need to get the experience of real life interactions to prepare you for life.
So do yourself, him, and the parents a favor and back away and become friends again.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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