Finding a Boyfriend
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old FemaleWell, I just got into high school and I want a boyfriend. My friend said she'd help to hook me up. But my problem is that I never know how to act or what to say when I'm around a guy that I like. Can you help me? What should I do? AdviceI have a bunch of tips on finding a boyfriend -
but really, to have an aim of Finding a Boyfriend is a really, really bad idea. Boyfriends can be INCREDIBLY NASTY. You shouldn't just Look For a Guy because you think guys are some sort of answer to being lonely!! You should want a Best Friend. And as in much of life, finding a friend means being a friend. It's not a matter of "being a certain way with a guy". It's a matter of BEING A FRIEND regardless of that person being male or female.
So be friends to those around you, male OR female. You never know who knows who or what friends of friends you might meet. The more friends you are trusted by, the more guys will trust and like you. And ONE of those guys will be a guy you can really get close to and then be the girlfriend of. But NEVER, EVER just go hunting for a "boyfriend". That's the surest way of being used and abused.
-- from Jenn
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