Why is he calling me?
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old FemaleMe and my exboyfriend broke up after being together for almost a year. We ended the relationship about a year ago. We've been hating eachother ever since the break up. It's been hell between us. We started rumors about eachother the whole school year and did nothing but argue and get eachother in trouble in class. It was hard to handle with him there to try and make my life miserable. Even with all the chaos he created I knew he still loved me but we was beefin so hard it didnt matter. We haven't even seen eachother in like 3 months but I can admit that I was thinking about him. He called me a couple days ago to make small talk. Since then we been talkin almost everyday but we don't really talk about nothin. He just asks me questions I know he already knows the answers to. I'm confused because we were just enemies a week ago. I don't have nothing against him but I feel like we just went from 60 to 0 in a week. I don't mind talking to him but why is he calling me like we friends or something? People don't just go from sworn enemies to talking everyday. He don't even have nothin to talk about when he calls. What does he want from me?
RomanceClass.com AdviceThink about this... HE probably doesn't know what he wants from you. You are giving him too much credit for being logical which you already know he isn't.
The last time you wrote about him he was acting creepy just like he is now. Why not just make up you mind that he is a creep and call it quits with him. If he calls you tell him that you don't have time to talk with him because you are too busy with (make something up that he will believe.)
Don't waste your time trying to figure him it. He just isn't that important. You are only causing trouble for yourself when you let him enter your life. He doesn't deserve having you wonder about him. He is using you.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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