Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old MaleI am sorry I ask so many questions but I am really getting desperate. I am going to hug her tommarow but I dont know how or when to and I am really scared (7 months not hugged her) to but if I don't I will lose her. Please don't tell me to just do it because I am way to nervous. AdviceYes, most everyone is scared before their first kiss or hug. Ask yourself... when are you going to get up the guts to hug her? Or any girl. If you don't start now, nothing magic is going to happen and it may be years before you hug or kiss any girl. That would be terrible.
I can't tell you when to do it. There won't be a perfect moment. The main thing is to just do it. Make sure you don't have anything in your hands if at all possible. Also same for her. A good thing to do is to build up the courage to say to her "I am going to hug you" and then do it. If you say it first, it gives her a second to get ready and it also forces you to actually do it because you would feel foolish if you told her you were going to hug her but then chickened out.
It doesn't have to be a long hug. Try for two seconds and then be sure to smile a big smile and say "Thanks, that was fun." Ask her if it was ok with her so it will give you something more to say.
You will be very, very happy you did it and make sure you give her more hugs in the days to come. You don't want to do it once and then let it fizzle out.
Good luck! George
-- from George
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