He's an Online Cheat
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old FemaleWhat if you're dating a guy online and he says you're his little angel and tells you he loves you and that he wants to spend his whole life with you. But at the same time you feel that he is telling some other girl the same thing what do i do?
what if you are feeling like its so hard because you can't see him because he lives to far away from you. how can i keep me and this guy together and at the same time be happy?
I know i love him with all my heart i would do anything for him. what if he is online and i ask him what are you up to and what if he tells me he is talking to me and no one else. but what if i feel he is lying to me what do i do.
RomanceClass.com AdviceThe problem with online relationships is that they're very "easy" and they're mostly based in fantasy. You talk to this person and pour out your dreams, they tell you what you want to hear and make you feel happy. Everybody wants to be loved, and you don't have to deal with chores or stress or other things. You get instant gratification. You can built up your fantasy of what the other person is like and more likely than not they will help you maintain that fantasy because THEY want you to like them too.
And because it's so easy, some statistics show that most people who are having ONE online affair are having MANY - sort of building safety nets. If one girl isn't on line, they just talk to the other one! If one girl is grumpy, the other one is probably feeling luvey-duvey and sweet. It's easy to lie - how would anyone find out? So they just lie to each girl, say that the girl is the only one. If they really did end up with one girl sometime down the road, they could keep chatting with the other girl without the girl finding out, or so they figure. So they're set for life.
If you are feeling uneasy and unhappy and full of doubts with this guy, I would start spending more time in the "real world". The internet is great fun - but it is no substitute for having friends you can go see movies with, guys that you can go to movies with, and hobbies that involve getting out and doing things. It sounds like you are pinning all of your hopes and dreams on this one guy you haven't met, and don't have anyone else to talk to. That's not healthy. Get out with your real life friends and gain some perspective on the world. You will probably find that you'd much prefer a guy that will treat you well, treat you with respect and hold you close at night vs a guy that is playing the internet field.
-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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