Things to talk about?
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleSo...i've been with this girl for a while now, and so we love hearing each other talk and we do stuff together. But, like, when we speak in person we somehow can just talk about the most random things but have an amazing conversation with each other. But...she kinda lives further away from me, so more of the time we text each other. But we've texted and talked so much, i feel that over texting, i have nothing to say to her. Sometimes we will just randomly stumble across something and it'll be like the in person conversations and we both enjoy it. I feel so boring sometimes since i dont know what to talk about now over texting. So what can i do about it? Just fyi, she and i have been best friends for a long time, before i actually made a move on her. so, we do know a lot about each other. AdviceIf you've been close for a long time, then your friendship should be at a stage where you don't have to talk to each other all the time. You can just enjoy each other's company while doing a fun activity together, like watching a movie, going bowling, taking a walk or hike, or working on puzzles, cooking a meal, playing scrabble, going out to a game, having a get together with friends - the list is endless. Married people don't talk all the time, so you are in a normal stage with each other. It's okay to not be chatty.
If you really do want to develop your talking skills, then I'd do some reading on current events, or mention things you saw in a magazine, or on TV. Be interested in more things and you will be more interesting. Develop a list of things you can talk about, and make sure to ask for her opinion on each thing you discuss. Remember that each person usually enjoys talking about themselves, and you can't go wrong.
-- from Jill
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