He is truly impossible to figure out

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
last year I became sort-of friends with this guy. I'll call him Bob. Bob is quiet and shy, though very attractive and girls really like him. I got closer to him and realized how he's pretty flirtatious and he did a lot to make contact with me, such as swatting at my hands, all very immature stuff.

Now this year when I saw him again, things are pretty similar. He'll turn to me in his desk, smile awkwardly and he does stupid things to get my attention. Takes my pencils bag anything! He is concerned when I'm upset, and blushes a lot. However it seems he does this with many of his very few girl-friends. While I think he tells me more things, and although he's shy he makes a point to get my attention, I can't read into this at all.

I guess what I'm really trying to get at is how can I try to figure this out? It's extremely difficult to get him alone, so what kind of physical things can I do or what kind of verbal things can I say to test him? I'm sick of these games and starting to wonder if this is all worth it.

RomanceClass.com Advice
It seems clear he likes you at least as a friend. So now what you're saying is you want to convert him from a friend into a boyfriend. That's a very common project for people in high school, and we have a lot of tips to help with that!

Here are the pages to get you started -


So the key is to start doing more things with him, just as friends. Hang out together. Go see a movie together! You need to become closer friends in order to start this process happening. Take it one step at a time.

-- from Lisa
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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