Flirting with a Freshman

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
Hey, I like this girl, and i hear this girl likes me, i mean it sounds like it in the e-mails i get from her, like she said after she heard i was goin to dinner with them before homecoming she said that she was in a good mood afterwards and in a good mood the whole night, and every time i am around she seems like excited or something.

she like always smiles and she like won't stand still, does that mean soemthing? i mean i just graduated like 03' and shes a freshman, is that too young? i have been told age doesnt really matter if u like each other, or mature for each other...i just don't know. i would like to start soemthing with her, and we are both very strong Christians so maybe it will work out, what do u think about it? thanks.. Advice
Many girls smile because they're happy, and many teenagers can't stand still because they are full of hormones and energy. You can't start reading things into EVERYTHING a person does! You need to judge her by how she acts towards YOU in particular, how she is when you talk with her and spend time with her.

While age differences aren't everything, on the other hand you are in college and she is barely out of middle school. There is a big emotional gulf there. She is eager to please and excited about being in "big high school" with all the older kids. You are a full adult out in the real world. Imagine if her geography teacher started trying to snuggle with her - that wouldn't be really kosher. Sometimes age differences matter, when the younger person in question is barely a dating age.

I would be friends with her, but friends only for at least six months. Let her have time to get used to high school and to the dating culture and everything else. If it was meant to be between you guys, you have DECADES to spend together. A few months or even a year or two to make sure it's right at the beginning is not much at all to invest in that relationship.

-- from Jenn
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