Does She Like Me the way I Like Her?

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
I've had my eye on a friend of mine for some time and I recently bought her a bear for her birthday and surprised her with it at her house. She smiled and said thank you in a sweet way.

However, I haven't had much of a chance to talk to her since we don't have any classes together and I'm usually working during the week. When I do see her, she always smiles and says hi to me.

My question is: is there a chance that she may like me the same way I like her and how would I go about finding this information out without letting her know that I'm interested? Advice
I think you're getting things backwards here. This isn't some sort of rare iguana that you are trying to track down and stuff into a box. She is a real human being that you are already at the point of buying presents for. That means you talk to her and she talks to you. So now you're trying to trick her into revealing information? That's hardly the way to think about a friend that you want to date!

Obviously you like her. Obviously she says hi to you and likes you. So build up that friendship. Develop the relationship. I have lots of tips on flirting here -

flirt daily and get to know her more. The more you guys get to know each other, the more you'll like each other, the more you'll talk, the more you'll hug hello and goodbye and see movies together. That's how relationships form!

-- from Jenn
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