Handling the Rebound
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old MaleI recently broke up with my girlfriend who I dated for two years. I have been thinking of her often, but I haven't contacted her. I was hoping she'd contact me, or reach out to me in some way.
Over three weeks after our relationship ended, I got a package in the mail with some of my belongings. I still have a lot of feelings for her, and naturally, I'm now reading into why she waited three weeks to send my things back to me. There was nothing really of any value to me.
Is this her way of trying to get me to contact her, or to make me feel worse, or am I simply reading too far into things.
RomanceClass.com AdviceI think you're reading too much into it. Breaking up is always hard, and I doubt that the very first thing she did was run around the house dealing with a packing task. She was sad, angry, worried, everything else. She spent time with friends and alone. And eventually she decided she should get your stuff back to you and sent it.
It's never easy to break up but it's usually necessary. You didn't break up because you were happy! Just about everybody breaks up a few times before they find the right person to be with. It's a normal part of life. So you, like all of the rest of us, now have to get through that rebound period where you are both happy that you are not with her any more and missing her at the same time.
I have a lot of advice on breaking up here -
take it slow and take care of yourself. Go out with your friends a lot and do things that you love. If you were together for 2 years, it might take several months to really get over her. But once you are, you will find someone who is even better for you and you will be much happier than you were before.
-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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