Talking to Girls
Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Malei want to make friends with a lot of girls especially in my school but i find it had to start cos i feel i may be turned down or well i should mind my on bussiness you know, but really i want to have best buds that are girls since i have lots of friends that are guys.
This a little difficult for me cos i get really nervous when i am around females of my age, most times when i am introduced to a girl by my friends i either stay dumb throughout the conversation or i feet starts shaking and u know my friends laugh at me when this sort of happens
so could you please help me out i heard that u are kinna good at this AdviceWe're all nervous when we do something new and strange, no matter how young or old we are. We're even more nervous when people are watching because we don't want to fail in public. The only way we get through this is to practice and practice until we get to be good at whatever the task is, so it's not as nerve-wracking.
So the only way you'll get better at talking to girls is to talk to more girls. So find ways to start practicing that don't involve lots of people watching you.
I have a whole how to on overcoming shyness here -
in essence, start out at a mall. Find a girl helper in a shop and ask her a question. Then go to another store and ask a girl helper a question. Get to the point where asking the question isn't a nervous thing, it's just a normal thing.
Now when you're OK with that stage, go on to non-helpers. See a girl in the mall and ask her what time it is. Make sure there isn't a clock around of course and that you're not wearing a watch. Now another time ask a girl if she knows where a given store is (one that isn't right there in front of you). In each case just say thanks and go to the store or walk away. The point here isn't to "make friends" it is to get you used to talking to girls.
The more you do it, the easier it will get!
-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at
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