Going from Friend to Lover
Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old FemaleI began liking a friend 5 years ago. There was some strong flirting, but when we would get close to a kiss or something, it would never happen.
Then I began dating someone for almost 3 years and became engaged. I still flirted with my friend, but only as that. Since, I have broken my engagement. I steered clear of flirting with my friend, because I had heard he didn't want to get married or have children. Then he told me different. We had started flirting then, but it got stronger.
One night he came over and things were really strange because we knew why we were both there, but it was weird because we have gotten used to just being friends. Things advanced further than what either of us expected and we had sex.
Since, we have talked, but nothing about going out on a date or anything. We haven't even seen each other. Have I ruined my chances or is there something I can do.
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou sound as if you're sitting around waiting for him to do something. Maybe he's unsure of your reaction and waiting for YOU to show him things are OK. Why don't you invite him out to a movie or to dinner? The key here is to get somewhere so you two can be together, and spend more time together so that you know your friendship is still solid after the intimate time.
-- from Lisa
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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