Settling down at 15

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
I love this gurl and she feels the same way and we want to be together for our lives. Advice
That's a very common emotion when two people are first together, whether you're 15 or 25 or 35. You both see how much you enjoy being together, how much fun it is, and want it to last forever.

Remember, people change over time. This is normal. And the rush of 'new love' also changes over time into something much more quiet. There are many people who swear they're perfect for each other in the first year or two, but who after a few years have changed and grown apart, and now do not work well together. A relationship is about work, about constantly maintaining the closeness. It doesn't just happen, and even with work, two people can change so much that they no longer are good together.

So it's great that you two feel strongly about each other right now, and you can certainly plan to stay together. People who marry are together for 70 years or more! So a few years in here to *make sure* it works is just a drop in the long term bucket, but is very, very important. Keep dating for another few years. You both will change a lot. That's normal. The question is, will you still be just as in love even while you change? If say you both reach 19 and 20 and still love each other just as strongly, it was meant to be. But if you reach 19 or 20 and have drifted apart because of the way you've both changed, it's better to know that while you have the opportunity to find someone who is better suited. Only time will say for sure if your love is meant to last.

-- from Jenn
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