Why not me?

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Female
Everytime I like a boy and I ask them out they always say no. I don't see why I think I'm average looking. (except for my nose..problem?) But they always seam to like me when I talk to them and stuff. All my friends have guys chasing after them. Why can't I get a boy to like me? And how do I get a boy to like me?

RomanceClass.com Advice
One of the strangest rules in the universe is that there's always a cat and a mouse, and whoever is the cat is always chasing the mouse. (The mouse obviously doesn't ever chase the cat.) You are a cat, you're looking for a boyfriend, you're doing the asking, you're making the first move. The guys are the mice, they scatter away when they're approached. Your friends have guys all chasing after them because they are the mice, they're not going after the guys.

Unfortunately, the fear of being a mouse is that there won't be any cats around to do the chasing. That fear is unfounded... There are always people who will want to be with you and want your company, friendship, and romance. The trick is to settle back and wait for them to come to you. In the meantime, spend your time with friends and making new friends and joining groups and just having a good time. The best relationships come from friendships, so get yourself a bunch of friends and simply relax. Love will come to you... it's just a matter of time.

-- from Marc
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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